Learn your natural abilities


Need a quick diagnosis?

Get moving in the right direction with our streamlined assessments, utilizing needs & values with personality & temperament profiling.


If you know where you want to go, but aren’t sure how to get there, we will create an in-depth strategy for your career or job transition with our customized Personal Strategic Planning Sessions. There’s no law that says your heart’s desire can’t be your career.


Our fully-personalized program starts with a scientifically-based, research-proven Natural Abilities assessment that measures your individual abilities through 19 different work samples.  You will receive a 35-page report, describing your unique attributes and strengths, and then receive one-on-one feedback with a certified consultant to help you understand and implement your plan. 

Highland Abilities VisualizationHow We Match Skills With Natural Abilities

The Highlands Whole Person Method is a four-step program that starts with The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB), an online abilities test that is made up of 19 timed worksamples. The HAB takes about three hours to complete and can be done anywhere you have an internet connection.

Understanding & Applying Your Natural Abilities

After you take the HAB you will receive multiple reports (more than 30 pages of data!) that require some interpretation based on the Highlands Whole Person Method. As Highlands Certified Consultants we have undergone training and are equipped to guide you on your journey of self-discovery. We’ll explain ability testing and show you how to apply your HAB results to your career and life. The HAB has been used and refined for more than 75 years to help people make better life and career choices.



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